March Photo-a-day {days 14, 15, 16, 17}

March photo-a-day challenge

Photobucketday 14  {Math}

a short lesson for Demi & Sky out of their 6th grade test prep.  The chocolate bar upper right made me hungry....

I'll have to remember for tomorrow that fractions are more fun with Hershey Bars :)



day 15  {Mom-my-ride}

Sunday morning, I was sick in bed but Sky and the kids jumped into my car and discovered it had been broken into and the fancy nav/stereo was gone!  Also gone: my ashtray which holds spare change :(

I recently moved way up in style and got an older, many miles on it- used car.  *But, it is loaded to the max.  I told Sky I was  never going back, luxury for me, all-the-way!  (it has heated seats- OOXXO)

But alas, my love affair lasted only a few months.  I'm back to "mom-my-ride" land...

day 16 {black & white}

snapped a photo with my iphone of the ash tree next door.  There is a huge crows nest up there, and everyday I see mr. & mrs. crow sitting together in the tree.


day 17 {green}

this is my keychain, it is an Irish symbol of the trinity.  (I was sick St. Patrick's day, so nothing festive happened, except Meg danced in an Irish dance show)

Well my lovelies, a horrible host I have been!  I am so behind, but I have been really sick.  Link up or comment if you have been keeping up!

You can find the link-up and the list of March prompts here:

March photo-a-day-challenge @ homeiswhereyoustartfrom