March photo-a-day {days 11, 12, 13}

March photo-a-day challenge {this moment, effort, art}


{this moment} Meg and Josie are spending a lot of time riding. We were so blessed this year to meet an older couple that delight in having our girls exercise their horses!

{effort}  Josie is wanting to step up her fencing game and start competing.  We started a fast-track coaching program that has her (and mom) at the fencing academy almost daily.

{art}  Sky put together this board which I then painted with chalkboard paint-to hang over the couch.  I love it!

I apologize for getting behind on the challenge, I've been pretty sick with a nasty virus and bad asthma.  -I've got some catching up to do!

can't wait to see what you have come up with!  Link up or comment :)