the Un-Valentine edition

I have a confession, my darling husband does not believe in Valentine's day.

And somehow, that is okay with me. [gasp]

He used to go through the motions with his back up about the whole thing...he hates being told by card companies-to spend money on his true love-on a day picked by them. He feels held hostage. He resents it.

So, I let it go. Maybe we are getting practical in our old age...or lazy..I don't know. But, you know, if I want something, he will go get it for me, if possible. He takes me out at least once a week for a nice dinner and some adult, date-time.

I'm good. We actually went to P.F. Chang's on Friday night. It was great, no crowds. Then we got some cheesecake to go. I heart cheesecake...then we watched some Monk with the kids.

It's good to be me. -not a bad gig, really.

Last weekend Meg had a violin recital. No photos, because we aren't supposed to use a flash while they are performing, and hence my photos came out fuzzy. My new camera has a great slow shutter...but I think I need a tripod.

I got to the recital and looked at Amie and saw this... But, she had clean nails!

Here are Teddy (our bonus student) and Demi at the skate-board park. We go on a weekday, mid-morning...and there is hardly anyone there!

They have a ball.

It's p.e. for us, I love that.

Princess Amie doing her skateboard thing.

So...things are busy here, we have more guests in and out.

I need to do my homeschool planning for the week..

I am about to order Sonlight Language arts 2 for the 3 littles, I think it will be a good fit for where they are right now. I'll post more about our grammar needs later. But, the searching has me thinking about using Sonlight next year for American History.

someone stop me. I need an intervention.

How's your week?