

So much to be thankful for! 

Topping my thankful list is my family.  I am so blessed and thankful for my family <3

Our Thanksgiving centered around family and new friends this year, we are visiting one of Sky's brothers.   Dinner preparation included many hands and many dishes.  My top favs- beside the turkey....were:  PW's stuffing (I added sausage to the recipe because Sky's mom always had sausage in hers) the recipe is divine, I could live on this stuff for weeks...  and my new friend, Christy's snickers salad.  Oh. my. word.  I've seen this recipe floating around pinterest, and wow, it is awesome.  Several of us bypassed the pies and had more of this.  We had a line-up of the usual suspects; sweet potatoes, green been casserole, pumpkin pie, lemon meringue pie, mashed potatoes, homemade dinner rolls.  Actually, I think we had three different stuffing dishes prepared by three different people :D

how was your Thanksgiving?

hope it was super-blessed :)