The Homeschool Mother's Journal- March 13

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week...

I'm really struggling with getting it all done.  Our home, my life, my desk-is cluttered.  I need to get a handle on things, but I just don't have the energy.  I feel like I move from one event to the next.

In our homeschool this week...

I am excited that we will be starting A Child's Geography with my 3 youngest students.  Josie might be sitting in, if she is interested. 

Places we're going and people we're seeing...

Karate lessons, fencing lessons, Irish dance lessons, piano & violin lessons, Meg's highschool classes. Whew, I'm tired already!  We traditionally go out for shamrock shakes for St. Patrick's day..I'm debating if we should try home-made this year.  The shamrock shake thing is something I remember from my childhood, I love to share this with my kids :) 

**Anyone have a recipe for shamrock (mint) shakes?

My favorite thing this week was...

watching Sky and the kids prepare the garden for a new season, and filling up the bird-feeders again. 

What's working/not working for us...

I am really liking Writing with Ease with the 4 youngest students.  I am a bit frustrated working through Story of the World 4 on our own, we decided not to spend money on another Sonlight Core for Josie, and I am already frustrated with myself and my stumbling with finding books at the library to supplement.  I was really spoiled with Sonlight, having all the books I need on my shelf. Sigh.

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...

 I just need to get better organized, no surprise there, but oh how I struggle with this.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...

Math U See is another favorite at our house, love it!

*you can join up with the Homeschool Mother's Journal here at the Homeschool Chick!