7 Quick Takes, Saturday Jan. 29

We gave Demi the Lego Minotaurus board game.  Lego has come out with a line of games that are made up of legos (of course) but you play & build a game with it.  We read the story last year of King Minos and the Minotaur during our study of ancient Greece.  I love when fun and homeschool collide!

I took Josie to a cat show last Saturday.  During one of our journal writing assignments, she wrote that if she had a whole day to do whatever she wanted- that she would go to a cat show.  I was kind of expecting a day at Disneyland, swimming with the dolphins...those sorts of things.  The cat show was such a simple request, of course I had to take her to one.  Sky found one in San Diego, 
so Josie and I made a day out of it.  
Doesn't this kitty look a bit curmudgeonly?  
Or extremely ticked to have been put in the basket?  I had to snap a photo!

there was a cat agility trial aspect to the cat show...
um, they weren't.
The cats were a bit traumatized by all of the noise, and tried to hide.  The couple that did run thru parts of the course, had to be enticed with wands with feathers on the end.  A dog will learn the course and do it with joy, but a cat has to be bribed.  
I went out and purchased the book Nourishing Traditions.  We have a friend who stays with us for Bible Conference (when we are lucky!) and she cooks very healthy.  She makes these oat pancakes that we just love, love, love.  They are in this book, so I went out and bought it, really only for this recipe.  I am hoping to find other favs, too.  This oat cake recipe has you soak the oats overnight in a water/yogurt mix- so the grains are more easy to digest and better for you.  I like them with blueberries, cinnamon and a smidge of nutmeg.  
Our poor hen, Annabelle went through the harrowing experience of being "fetched" by our neighbor's Labrador Retriever.  This dog is named Roxy, and she is a trained hunting dog.  She seems so lonesome all by herself much of the time in her backyard, so our neighbor gave us permission to bring her over on occasion for play-dates with Emma.  We usually lock the hens in the garden while the dogs play, but they can get out.  Annabelle wandered out and was promptly fetched by Roxy.  Poor Annabelle was much frightened and covered in drool, and she lost many feathers before I could rescue her.  Roxy was having a time getting a good mouthful.  Lucky for Annabelle, Roxy has a "soft mouth" and is very well trained.

Speaking of cooking healthy, I tried out this recipe from Spirittibee for her falafels - I am not a good cook, but I really need to expand my offerings...so, I thought this sounded good and yummy.  After looking at the recipe, I knew Sky would not eat it for dinner without meat in it...so I added a pound of ground turkey, and it was wonderful!  Sky didn't pour hot sauce on it, which is an indication of success....he asked for it to be kept on our menu line-up.
more beautiful weather today, I spent the afternoon cleaning windows and our front porch, and then I went out to buy some poppies like our across- the -street -neighbor has.  The photo in my header is of our neighbor's poppies, looking back toward our house.  Every year I say I want to try to grow poppies like his, but I never do.  This year will be the year!  I purchased three plants, but will have to wait till tomorrow to plant, by the time I got home, it was getting cold out.  I bought some seeds, too- I'm going to try planting seeds and plants. 
How was your week?  I hope it was grand!!
*7 Quick takes is hosted over at Conversion Diary