Fall into reading challenge 2007 - wrap up!

I know I am way behind on this, but here goes....
The results of my 2007 Fall reading challenge hosted by Callapidder Days


Lies My Teacher told me- about 2/3 finished...very well written, I am just slow working on this one- I recommend it highly.

Confessions by St. Augustine - barely 1/4 thru...very slow with this one, I am also doing a Teaching Co. audio course on St. Augustine- again, slow going with this.

Added: 101 devotions for Homeschool moms - not finished, but I am trying to stick to one devotion a day so it will last. Sometimes I cheat and read 2... I am enjoying it, very well written and thought provoking.

Added: Jane Austin and her times- Finished! Enjoyed it, though I didn't always agree with the authors conclusions about some of the points in Austin's books.

Added: Mosaic by Amy Grant- Finished! I enjoyed reading it and learning more about the songs I have loved for so long. I thought it was very well written, and I admired that she did not avoid mentioning her ex as if he did not exist, but yet she kept everything private. The book did make me sad though. I enjoyed most discovering that Amy Grant does something we call "pray reading" at our church- each morning before she starts her day.

Dropped: City of God-St. Augustine (because Confessions was first on the teaching co. course)
Orbit- just never got around to it
Teaching the Trivium- just didn't get it ordered

Read aloud:

Laddie - still working on it, but the older girls really love it- I just need to stay consistent about getting the book out to read (this is one of my all-time favorite books!!!)


Miss Julia stands her ground - Finished! I think this was the Miss Julia book I enjoyed the most, because it showed inside her heart regarding little Loyd and his mother. Miss Julia is a hoot, I recommend all the books in the series.

Nineteen Minutes - Finished! This book was one of the hardest for me to read...I will do a book review on it soon. It was a painful read, and it haunted me for weeks.

Size 12 is not fat, Size 14 is not fat either, and added Big boned -all by Meg Cabot
Finished all three! These are all part of a series, and I am hooked now...book review coming

By Bread alone- Finished! Author of one of my favorites, "Blessed are the Cheesemakers"- it was a good read, really sad in some parts, not on my favorite list- but the bread making directions at the end are worth your perusing.

Added: (because fiction is like chocolate and you just can't stop...)

* Cornelia and the audacious escapades of the somerset sisters by L. Blume -*my review*
*Princess in Pink by Meg Cabot (because I am addicted to them)-Finished!

*Miss Julia meets her match, *Miss Julia Strikes back (on a Miss Julia run, too) -Finished!

*Persuasion, Mansfield Park and Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen (because I was on a Jane Austin kick, and nothing else would do...) -Finished all! -old favorites

I enjoyed:

I enjoyed the last two Heather Wells mysteries by Meg Cabot- the most (size 14 is not fat, either and Big boned) I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed them, I was not sure after the first book how much I could like the heroine- but she has grown on me- I hope she has another one on the way!!

I also really enjoyed Lies my teacher told me, though parts of it curled my hair...!

I did not enjoy

Nineteen Minutes ;it was a painful read, a painful subject and story. I thought the author did a superb job telling the story. As a homeschool mom it was just awful to read, because all I could think the whole book was, "why didn't they pull him out of school?", and regretting that so many people failed one little boy. The book depressed me, and haunted me for weeks. I do have to say that it changed me some, too. I thought much more about the little moments with my little boy, holding his hand seemed so much more precious.

Well, that wraps up my fall reading challenge- stop by Katrina's place to read more wrap-ups and reviews.

See you at the next challenge!!