Spring reading thing challenge-update

My original post on the spring reading challenge is *here*, you can go there to see my complete list with links.

Just a quick update here:

Real Learning: Education in the heart of the home by Elizabeth Foss

The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau

The Novelist by Angela Hunt

Miss Julia speaks her mind by Anne Ross

also read, not on my list...
Sparks by Jeanne DuPrau, Lion Boy , the Cuckoo Child, (these for the reason of approving them for dd10 and dd12 to read)
and 2 Grace Livingston Hill novels (because I love those..).

With the kids:
How is was with Dooms by Xan Hopcraft

had to add Jeremy Hatcher, dragon hatcher...for Rand

I did a book review on Duma and The city of ember, I hope to get a few other reviews out soon. Everything I have read has been good.

Happy reading!