13 places...Thursday Thirteen!

(graphic courtesy of Kelly@diary of the Nello)

Thursday Thirteen!

13 Places I drove my van this week

1. Dance class

2. home bible study

3. bagel store (yum-and no, not part of my diet)

4. audition hall for daughter's orchestra try-out (couldn't take a valium, I was driving...)

5. Lord's table meeting- we served on children's meeting (an earlier post-they won!)

6. to visit hubby's parents

7. to visit my parents

8. To library B

9. To Library A

10. To Art class (2 separate classes on Tues., 1 on Wed.) my kids will owe me big time some day

11. to target -what mom can stay away! The damage- only $42, I consider that a victory

12. To wednesday night ministry meeting

13. Violin and piano lessons, on same day...again, my kids will owe me big time some day...

Thursday thirteen is a meme designed to get to know others. To check out the big Thursday Thirteen hub and see other participants, go here