Breaking news- California Homeschool case decision

A decision was handed down in the California Homeschool case, also know as the Rachel L. case...

Here is a link to California Homeschool Network's legal update page-

it looks like the news is good!! We are free to continue homeschooling as we were here in California.

There is always a but...I think the second part of the decision could be trouble, I think it is saying we are free to homeschool as long as the State decides we aren't abusing our kids in some way, then they can take that right away. Which is fine and fair, unless you are wrongly accused of something-

but mainly, it seems to be good news.

It is still legal to homeschool in California, and we are still here...homeschooling

Sheesh, what a week to not have internet access!! I woke up one morning and it was like the world had suddenly gone mad...

what a time, really, to not being able to blog much, and to have limited access to homeschool forums, boards and blogs...

To sum it up, from the little I have been able to read...nothing has changed in California. We have no new laws against homeschooling. We do not have to run and enroll our kids in a public school. A side note that the public schools wouldn't have room for us if we all did...

From what I have read, the judges in this one case, involving one family... seem to have outlawed homeschooling, charter schools, school-district run independent study programs and private schools, all in one swoop. If the child's tush is not in a seat physically taught and supervised daily by a credentialed teacher, then according to this case it is illegal. A calm, reasoning mind would realize that this could not be what a small group of judges intended. Or maybe they didn't realize the ramifications of what they had done.

There are several homeschool organizations with legal departments looking into this and deciding how to handle this, and I would suppose angry calls to whomever by upset parents and friends wouldn't be the best, professional way to handle this.

We don't watch t.v. and we most certainly do not watch t.v. news for insight into these matters, I really shudder to think of how the networks are covering this, and what kind of miss-information must be headlining. Just the blurbs I heard on the radio news where upsetting enough. I wouldn't recommend the t.v. for news on this...

Tammy*** wrote an insightful, calm post on this at her on over to read more- and maybe direct your family to it when you get the latest panicky call.

We are still here in California

we are still homeschooling

and we don't plan to go anywhere.

standardized testing, homeschool style

We homeschool through a charter school, and the one big hoop we have to jump through to be part of their program is the yearly standardized testing. They try to make it painless and fun, (and quick!) here is a photo of the kids swimming at the hotel-test-site, after the test.
Demi is on the left, Meg center, Josie (with goggles) and Amie far right.

This was where you would find us on both Tuesday and Wednesday. It was warm and beautiful, I sat with a book and a diet coke. ....I could really dig this.